Last Update (I hope!)

An additional year of playtesting, and I'm hoping this is the "final" version.  Here's the changelog for anyone interested:


Three Kills Per Stroke (p.58) changed "... immediately take another Combat Action" to "... immediately take another Attack Action against a Close Monster"


During high level character creation, it became apparent that the "pick a single Virtue" became confusing with things like Kismet (which you could pick once every rank).  In order to make this clearer, Kismet, Personality, and Saves were broken into Kismet I-III, Personality I-III, and Saves I-III. Additionally, the Spriggan Virtue "Strange Medium" had to be broken into "Strange Medium", "Uncanny Medium", and "Extraordinary Medium" to fit the paradigm.


Added the following to "Mummy's Curse" (Knave):  "Finally, if the item remains unsold before you take Downtime at a Settlement, you must sell it during the Shopping Step or the curse immediately takes effect (though you still get a Save)."


During editing, it looks like 4 Weird Virtues for Night Children were left on the cutting room floor:  Rando, Run Away, Shedding, and Shocky. In addition, "Sleepy" had been renamed "Go Night Night" but hadn't been updated in the table.  These Virtues have been re-added and "Sleepy" renamed to "Go Night Night".


For the Sellsword Virtue: Captain and the Knave Virtue: Guildmaster, clarified that these hirelings were Mercenaries and not Henchmen (specifically Meatshields and Mechanics, respectively). Fixed "Morale" to be "Loyalty", a later addition that didn't get added back to the description. Added in that Henchmen and Mercenaries expect to be fed(!) and clarified that killing them willy-nilly might get you a bad reputation. Nerfed Mercenaries to only give a +1 instead of a +2, but added that they can add the +1 to damage as well.

Cleaned up some ambiguity around Research and Cunning Pips:

- Changed the word "Time" to "Downtime" where appropriate i.e. from "takes Months of time" to "takes Months of Downtime"

- Added Downtime requirement to Chymistry;

- Clarified Inscription only requires Days of Downtime;

- Added reinforcing text that Marvels take Weeks to create;

- Added Days of Downtime to Miracles;
- Added "[n]ote that any Cunning or Research Pips not spent at the end of the Production Step are lost." to the Production Step of Downtime


Added missing line "Finally, the Charmed Circle grants you 4 extra Cunning Pips to use as you wish." to Charmed Circle under Mystic Advancement.


- Under Spriggan, changed "Charms" to "Mortal Charms" and "Feyness" to "Wyrd" in Daredevil:Advancement to differentiate them from their Mortal equivalents.  Did the same thing with "Charms" for the Murks.

- Fixed "Unnatural Medium" to "Uncanny Medium" in the Advancement chart for Spriggan.


- Under "The Plan" (Knave Advancement), clarify the +4 applies to all RO and RB attempts

- Under "Nuke" (Nightchild Advancement) change damage from SUMx2 to SUMx5

- Added "Bagman" (Philosopher) and "Bruja" (Mystic) to the Daredevil Virtues.

- Rewrote sentences in Tutor Advancement (Philosopher Advancement) as follows: "[t]hey have 4 Flesh, wear no armor, and can carry up to 8 Burden. Grimoires and Fetishes cost them no Burden to carry, but all other gear they carry counts as double Burden.  In addition, they (a) grant you +3 Research Pips during Downtime; (b) assist you in your Leechcraft so you that only fail Ingenuity tries on 1 instead of 1 or 2; and (c) can take any physical damage for you."


- Change "Liturgies of the Novice" to "Initiate" (Mystic Advancement)

- Changed "Commanding PRE" to "Commanding Presence" in Appendix B

- Changed "Fortunate" to "Mascot", and added the Heroic Virtue "Talisman" and the Legendary Virtue "Icon" to Pooka Advancement

- Changed the prereqs for Whispers of the Bride (Murk Advancement) and Whispers of Br'er Rabbit (Pooka Advancement) to require you to take the lower tier Virtue first

- Cleaned up the language for the starting Virtues Curious (Pooka) and Killer (Murk) so it's clear you start Untrained in the Whispers of the Bride and Br'er Rabbit, respectively


- Changed Tempestuous Chariot to carry the player the maximum distance, rather than "up to" the maximum distance.


- Changed the amount of Grit you heal during a Bivouac to be the sum of your Kismet (Insanity+Injury+Death) after playtesting with high level characters

- Added that a Breather removes any non-permanent effects (Bleeding, etc)

- Changed to a new font after receiving feedback.  This meant a lot of layout work on the design.

- Changed back to Identity being a d10, d8, d6, and d4 after more playtesting. Removed the "Primary Stat" for the various Tropes and Species.

- Bump Sellsword:Veteran to +6 Grit (from +4)

- Pooka now heal their \LVL Grit during a Breather, and d4 x \LVL Grit during a Bivouac (d6, d8, or 10 x \LVL depending on Advancement Virtues).

- The Vapors effect won't end until either Minutes have passed, or Smelling Salts are applied.

- Sew Wounds now only heals 1 Flesh (making Transfusion more useful)

- Moved Laudanum under the Vulgate of Medicine

- Cleaned up some of the language for Orisons, Lorespells, Hymns, and Ablutions

- Small rewrites and syntax cleanup to get new layout to fit.

- Knaves: Rather than have you roll your Lucky Die and apply it's result at a max of +4, the level of your lucky die now determines the bonus (though you still must try the die).

- Clarified a few things with the DEATH die.

- Added Bottle and Bottle, Iron to gear list.

- Fixed an error in the default MONSTER block, and tightened up the descriptions.

- Changed the Monster Cannibal Trait to heal 1 HD instead of 3 Health.
- People kept housing the Priests of Syrinx, so I gave them a little love.

- Changes to monster names to prevent litigation ...


- Dropped this line from \RB rules "If an Adventurer is making a \RB try against a \mylink{Monster}{monsters}, the Monster adds its \HD as a modifier to its roll i.e. a 6 \HD Monster adds a +6 to its roll."

- Cut the Movement section on "Travel", and the Arbiter's sections on "Light and Darkness" and "Dueling".


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